The raw milk for the manufacturing of our milk products comes from the region around our factory site. For the production of our cream products, we separate the milk fat from the liquid phase by centrifugation and thus obtain skimmed milk and cream. We then adjust the desired fat content of our products. To be considered cream, the minimum fat content must be 10%. For typical delicatessen cream, the fat content is usually between 27-38 % milk fat. We use the skimmed milk obtained to produce sweetened condensed milk.
Our customers use our cream less as whipped cream or coffee cream, but typically for the production of delicatessen products as well as sauces and dips. As an experienced cream manufacturer, we can adapt the recipes and properties of our products to the specific application, e.g. by using various stabilizers.
Where our various standard recipes for cream products are not sufficient, we are happy to start development projects with you for customized milk and milk fat products based on cream.