Recombined butter

Recombined butter is ideally suited as laminating butter for Danish and puff pastry doughs. Its is made from concentrated butter and / or fractionated butterfat (100% cow’s milk), if necessary, as well as butter cultures. The milk fat content is adjusted to 82% or more by adding water, it is depending on customer’s specifications. Full-bodied, pure butter flavor.

Product information on recombined butter  

The specific production process ensures optimal product properties including defined melting points and a consistent product quality throughout the year. As with traditional butter, the melting point is usually 30 - 34 ° C, e.g. with our Danish pastry butter. By adding higher or lower melting milk fat fractions such as oleins and stearins, the melting point can also be set individually depending on the application. For our croissant butter it is e.g. at 36 - 38 ° C, so that it can be processed well even at higher ambient temperatures during the production process. 

Legal name:

  • Butter
  • Butter with flavor vanillin
  • Butter with color carotene

Ingredients depending on the product variation:

  • Butter
  • Butter, flavor: vanillin
  • Butter, color: carotene

Related product (search) terms for recombined butter:

  • Laminating butter,
  • Butter for laminating
  • Texturized butter
  • Textured butter
  • Butter plate
  • Croissant butter
  • Danish pastry butter
  • Puff pastry butter

We produce recombined butter in the following variatons:

  • Laminating butter (butter for Danish pastry)
  • Laminating butter with increased slip melting point (croissant butter)
  • Laminating butter with added vanillin
  • Laminating butter with added carotene

Note: the use of milk fat fraction in recombined butter does not need to be labelled. Possible claims for products made with recombined butter are e.g. “Butter baked goods”, “Baked with butter” and similar. According to the German Guidelines on Pastry Products, for a baked good that has the term “butter” in its name, at least 10 kg of butter have to be used for 100 kg of cereal product.

Use of recombined puff pastry butter  

  • Croissants
  • Puff pastry, pies
  • Danish pastry

Packaging for recombined butter  

The following packaging options are available as standard for our recombined butter:


Block in cardboard box with LDPE liner
Content: 10 kg 


Plate / sheet
Content: 5 x 2 kg


Other packaging sizes are available upon request, for example cardboard boxes with product sizes adapted to your recipes or batch sizes or other packaging options. Please contact us for details.


Certifications for recombined butter

Download: IFS (Higher Level)

IFS (Higher Level)

Uelzena eG, Uelzen

Download: ISO 50001:2018

ISO 50001:2018

Uelzena eG, Uelzen

Product benefits of recombined butter  

  • Smooth, plastic texture, easy to process and use
  • Easy to process on machines, high stability for safe processing
  • Optimal separation of dough and butter layers during laminating processes
  • Delivers optimal flaking and crumb
  • Supports a nice browning of the baked good
  • Full-bodied, pure butter flavor
  • Pleasant mouthfeel

Contract manufacturing of recombined butter  

Actually we do not offer contract manufacturing of recombined butter from supplied raw materials.

For some of our other milk fats, however, processing of your own raw material is available as part of contract production. Please contact us if needed so that we can check your project requirements.

Brand quality made in Germany  

We are a premium supplier to the food industry and our top priorities are the quality and safety of the products. Strict monitoring and control of our production processes by a certified quality management system are obvious in our company as are regular audits and certifications based on the most important standards. The implementation of comprehensive HACCP and zoning concepts, as well as continuous quality inspections of all products and raw materials in our specialized in-house laboratories are other important elements of our quality concept. We’ll be happy to provide more information on this subject. Please contact us.


Download product sheet

Download: Recombined butter

Recombined butter


Customized product properties - recombined butter  

The definable product properties, such as adjustable melting points and melting behavior or an adapted fat content make recombined butter very interesting as an ingredient for certain applications and an alternative to classic premium German butter. Through the use of our partially very special technologies for milk fat processing at our plant in Uelzen, we can implement individual requirements for our customers for their butter ingredients, e.g. in relation to the desired processing properties. The legally defined maximum water content for butter may not exceed 16 percent. In addition to water and milk fat, butter also contains the so-called fat-free dry matter, which consists mainly of protein, lactose, vitamins and minerals.

A main area of ​​application for recombined butter is e.g. the use as laminating butter for the production of dough for Danish pastries, croissants and puff pastries of all kinds. Just like German branded butter, pure concentrated butter and other butter fats, recombined butter also gives the finished product a full-bodied butter taste. Here it is used as a so-called laminating butter, whereby especially a higher melting point can make it easier to process the butter under difficult environmental conditions in the bakery or the industrial production environment. We can also supply these butter plates as butter with vanillin or carotene, i.e. with the addition of labeling agents. We also use recombination to make lactose-free butter.

Recombined butter is a specialty in our milk fat range. Only a few dairies have the special technologies and know-how to produce these butter specialties. We also use our very diverse technologies for milk processing at our four production sites to produce other milk-based ingredients for the food industry, such as milk powder and sweetened condensed milk. Just like our milk fats they ensure the good taste in many well-known branded products.