In addition to our standard product range, we are also happy to develop customized dairy products as well as premixes and compounds of milk fats based on sweetened condensed, cream and milk fats.
FSSC 22000
WS Warmsener Spezialitäten GmbH, Warmsen
In addition to our standard product range, we are also happy to develop customized dairy products as well as premixes and compounds of milk fats based on sweetened condensed, cream and milk fats.
The addition of other ingredients such as sugar, salt or spices is possible. Important product properties such as consistency, dry matter, fat content etc. are adjusted according to your specifications. On request, we can also use different stabilising systems.
Legal name: depending on the final composition
Ingredients: depending on the final composition
Related product (search) terms for customized milk and milk fat products:
Available product variations: to be developed according to your specifications
Depending on the type of product, we deliver your individual, customized milk or milk fat product in a range of different packaging formats including bag-in-box systems, drums, sterile containers, CHEP Pellecon returnable containers, fluid bags, disposable containers with liners or products are loaded into tank trucks. The selection is dependent on the type and nature of the respective product. Please contact us for details.
Normally we manufacture your customer-specific dairy products from our own raw material rather than from that provided by you. Depending on the project, however, contract manufacturing of your product from your own milk raw material may also be considered. We would be pleased to check this in individual cases. Let's talk about!
We are a premium supplier to the food industry and our top priorities are the quality and safety of the products. Strict monitoring and control of our production processes by a certified quality management system are obvious in our company as are regular audits and certifications based on the most important standards. The implementation of comprehensive HACCP and zoning concepts, as well as continuous quality inspections of all products and raw materials in our specialized in-house laboratories are other important elements of our quality concept. We’ll be happy to provide more information on this subject. Please contact us.
We produce a wide range of milk-based ingredients for manufacturers of bakery products, delicatessen products and confectionery. Our customers' manufacturing processes are as varied as their products. Adapting our milk products to the special requirements of our customers is therefore one of our special competencies, as is the development of completely new products based on cream, milk fat, yoghurt or sweetened condensed milk.
The spectrum ranges from slight recipe adaptations of our existing standard products, for example with regard to fat and protein content, to tailor-made product solutions for a very special application situation or the implementation of your new product ideas. Developed to customer order according to concrete specifications, individual premixes and compounds are created, optimally adapted to your production processes and end products. These could be, for example, compounds for the production of desserts or basic mixtures for the manufacture of confectionery or icecram.
These customer-specific dairy products are manufactured at the Warmsen plant. For this purpose, milk from the surrounding region is collected by our member dairies, delivered to us daily and processed as fresh as possible into the various dairy products in our range for bulk consumers. More than 100 years of experience in milk processing at this location qualify us as a strong partner for the development of customer-specific milk products for processors.