Premium German butter

Our premium German butter with 82% milk fat content is made from fresh, pasteurized cream (100% cow’s milk). Full-bodied, pure butter flavor. Constant product quality all year long because of optimized processes.

Product information on premium German butter  

Premium German butter or German branded butter in Germany carries the quality seal “Deutsche Markenbutter”. This means that the butter must meet strict requirements and that it is monitored on a monthly base by official control bodies. This inspection comprises the following criteria: pH, sensory properties (appearance, smell, taste, and texture), distribution of water and spreadability. Premium German butter must be produced in approved companies only. It is the highest quality grade for butter available in Germany. The melting point of butter is 28–32 °C.

Legal name depending on the product variation:

  • Premium German Butter, cultured butter
  • Premium German Butter, sweet butter

Ingredients: Premium German Butter

Related product (search) terms for premium German butter:

  • Butter
  • Sweet butter
  • Cultured butter
  • Premium butter
  • German branded butter
  • German butter
  • First quality butter
  • Cream butter
  • Summer butter
  • Winter butter

We produce premium German butter in this product variations:

  • Cultured butter
  • Sweet butter

Possible claims for products that contain premium German butter as a valuable ingredient are e.g. “Butter pastries”, “Baked with butter”, “Made with German branded butter” etc. According to the German Guidelines on Pastry Products, for a baked good that has the term “butter” in its name, at least 10 kg of butter have to be used for 100 kg of cereal product.

Use of premium German butter  

  • Bread, small baked goods, pastries, butter cookies
  • Pound cakes, short cakes, yeast-raised pastries
  • Butter crème, cream fillings and whipped masses
  • Chocolates and chocolate fillings
  • Ice cream
  • Ready meals
  • Soups and sauces
  • Bread spreads, spreads for sandwiches

Packaging for premium German butter  

We offer German branded butter in various customary packagings, be it as a practical stick or as block goods with and without a cardbox. Our butter block in the blue wrapping foil without a cardbox is particularly hygienic for use in your production rooms.


Block wrapped in HDPE film
Content: 10 kg


Block in cardboard box with HDPE liner
Content: 10 kg |  25 kg


Wrapped stick
Content: 2.5 kg


Other packaging sizes are available upon request, for example cardboard boxes with product sizes adapted to your recipes or batch sizes. Please contact us for details.


Certifications for Premium German butter

Download: IFS (Higher Level)

IFS (Higher Level)

Uelzena eG, Uelzen

Download: Kosher


Altmark-Käserei Uelzena GmbH, Bismark

Download: Halal Butter and cheese

Halal Butter and cheese

Altmark-Käserei, Bismarck

Download: ISO 50001:2018

ISO 50001:2018

Altmark-Käserei Uelzena GmbH, Bismark

Product benefits of premium German butter  

  • Full-bodied, pure butter flavor
  • Smooth texture, easy to process and use
  • Pure natural product without additives = Clean Label ingredient
  • Imparts a pleasant mouthfeel in the final product
  • Delivery the typical “shortbread” texture in butter cookies
  • Contains the vitamins A, D and E

Contract manufacturing of premium German butter  

This product can also be contract manufactured upon request. Take advantage of our expertise as a premium German butter producer and our  comprehensive technologies for the processing of milk fat for the production of your products from supplied raw materials. Upon request, we can also deliver customized butter (fat) products according to your specifications. Advise us of your requirements. Please contact us for details.

Brand quality made in Germany  

We are a premium supplier to the food industry and our top priorities are the quality and safety of the products. Strict monitoring and control of our production processes by a certified quality management system are obvious in our company as are regular audits and certifications based on the most important standards. The implementation of comprehensive HACCP and zoning concepts, as well as continuous quality inspections of all products and raw materials in our specialized in-house laboratories are other important elements of our quality concept. We’ll be happy to provide more information on this subject. Please contact us.


Download product sheet

Download: German branded butter

German branded butter


German branded butter - approved first quality butter  

The general conditions for the production of German branded butter and other types of butter are regulated in the so-called German Butter Regulation. Depending on the result of the butter test, butter which is produced in Germany is sorted into commercial classes, of which German branded butter is the highest quality, followed by dairy butter. Therefore premium German butter has a very good reputation all over the world and has become synonymous with first-class quality and excellent taste. Only premium German butter producers that are checked monthly by official authorities may label their products with the branded butter quality mark.

We produce mildly adicified (cultured) German branded butter and sweet cream butter at our production site in Bismark, in the creamery at Altmark-Käserei Uelzena GmbH. These two types of butter have a milder taste than the even well-known sour cream butter. Mildly acidified butter is the most popular variety in Germany and gets its slightly sour, fresh taste from the addition of butter cultures with lactic acid bacteria. In addition to German branded butter, we also produce butter with vanillin or carotene - formerly also known as pastry butter - and mixed fats with the addition of vegetable fat.

Our butter range is supplemented by recombined butter, lactose-free butter and cholesterol-reduced butter. We manufacture these special products with the help of special milk fat technologies at the main plant in Uelzen. In addition to milk fats, Uelzena Ingredients also offers other milk products, milk powder and sweetened condensed milk for processors.