Premium German butter or German branded butter in Germany carries the quality seal “Deutsche Markenbutter”. This means that the butter must meet strict requirements and that it is monitored on a monthly base by official control bodies. This inspection comprises the following criteria: pH, sensory properties (appearance, smell, taste, and texture), distribution of water and spreadability. Premium German butter must be produced in approved companies only. It is the highest quality grade for butter available in Germany. The melting point of butter is 28–32 °C.
Legal name depending on the product variation:
- Premium German Butter, cultured butter
- Premium German Butter, sweet butter
Ingredients: Premium German Butter
Related product (search) terms for premium German butter:
- Butter
- Sweet butter
- Cultured butter
- Premium butter
- German branded butter
- German butter
- First quality butter
- Cream butter
- Summer butter
- Winter butter
We produce premium German butter in this product variations:
- Cultured butter
- Sweet butter
Possible claims for products that contain premium German butter as a valuable ingredient are e.g. “Butter pastries”, “Baked with butter”, “Made with German branded butter” etc. According to the German Guidelines on Pastry Products, for a baked good that has the term “butter” in its name, at least 10 kg of butter have to be used for 100 kg of cereal product.