Lactose-free butter

Lactose-free butter with 82% milk fat - made from concentrated butter, skimmed milk and butter cultures (100% cow’s milk) recombined into butter. The lactose has been converted enzymatically into glucose and galactose. The lactose content is below 0.1%.

Product information on lactose-free butter  

Currently there is no legal requirement in place in Germany but rather a recommendation of the German Food Chemistry Society according to which the lactose content should be below 0.1%. As with regular butter, the melting point is 30–34 ° C. Processing: depending on the application, the amount of butter as stated in the recipe is replaced by the same amount of lactose-free butter.

Legal name: butter

Ingredients: butter, lactase

Related product (search) terms for lactose-free butter:

  • Butter lactose-free
  • Lactose-reduced butter
  • Free of lactose butter

Possible claims for products made with lactose-free butter are on the one hand “lactose-free”, as long as the final product does not contain any lactose from other ingredients. On the other hand the use of the following claims are allowed: “Butter baked goods”, “Baked with butter” and similar. According to the German Guidelines on Pastry Products, for a baked good that has the term “butter” in its name, at least 10 kg of butter have to be used for 100 kg of cereal product.

Use of lactose-free butter  

  • Bread, small baked goods, pastries, butter cookies
  • Pound cakes, short cakes, yeast-raised pastries
  • Butter crème, cream fillings and whipped masses
  • Chocolates and chocolate fillings
  • Ice cream
  • Ready meals
  • Soups and sauces
  • Bread spreads, spreads for sandwiches

Packaging for lactose-free butter  

We currently offer the same packaging options for our lactose-free butter as for our recombined butter.


Block in cardboard box with HDPE liner
Content: 10 kg | 25 kg


Plate / sheet
Content: 2 kg


Other packaging sizes are available upon request, for example cardboard boxes with product sizes adapted to your recipes or batch sizes or other packaging options. Please contact us for details.


Certifications for lactose-free butter

Download: IFS (Higher Level)

IFS (Higher Level)

Uelzena eG, Uelzen

Download: Kosher Butterfat and SMP

Kosher Butterfat and SMP

Uelzena eG, Uelzen

Download: Halal Butterfat

Halal Butterfat

Uelzena eG, Uelzen

Download: ISO 50001:2018

ISO 50001:2018

Uelzena eG, Uelzen

Product benefits of lactose-free butter  

  • Smooth texture, easy to process and use
  • Full-bodied typical butter flavor, easy to digest for people suffering from lactose intolerance
  • For the production of lactose-reduced and lactose-free products
  • Imparts a pleasant mouthfeel in the final product
  • Delivers the typical “shortbread” texture in butter cookies
  • Contains the vitamins A, D and E

Contract manufacturing of lactose-free butter  

For lactose-free butter, we currently do not offer contract manufacturing from the supplied raw material.

We provide our technologies and our know-how for processing customer raw materials into some other milk fat products, e.g. the production of pure butter or fractionation of milk fats. Please send us your request.

Brand quality made in Germany  

We are a premium supplier to the food industry and our top priorities are the quality and safety of the products. Strict monitoring and control of our production processes by a certified quality management system are obvious in our company as are regular audits and certifications based on the most important standards. The implementation of comprehensive HACCP and zoning concepts, as well as continuous quality inspections of all products and raw materials in our specialized in-house laboratories are other important elements of our quality concept. We’ll be happy to provide more information on this subject. Please contact us.


Download product sheet

Download: Lactose free butter

Lactose free butter

Lactose-free butter for the production of your branded products  

Lactose-free or low-lactose product variants naturally belong to many product ranges and brand ranges today, especially for dairy products. But there is also increasing demand for other lactose-free foods. According to estimates, up to 75% of the world's adult population are affected by an intolerance to lactose (milk sugar), a so-called lactose intolerance, although there are very large differences between regions.

Lactose-free butter as a substitute for premium German butter turns your products into lactose-free products easily, unless no other lactose-containing ingredients are used. Alternatively, you can also use concentrated butter (anhydrous milk fat with 99.8 percent fat content), which is naturally lactose-free due to the high milk fat content and the separation of other milk components such as protein and milk sugar. For the manufacturing of your lactose-free products, we also supply milk products as lactose-free variants, e.g. lactose-free cream products

For us as a manufacturer, lactose-free butter is one of the special products in our milk fats range. Like the recombined butter, we do not produce this product in our own butter factory in Bismark, but in our headquarters in Uelzen, where we have some special technologies for milk fat processing. We also use these for the production of milk fat fractions, cholesterol-reduced butter fat or individual milk fat compounds.