Anhydrous milk fat is a concentrated butter with a milk fat content of 99.8% and inherently lactose-free. The maximum water content is 0.1%. Anhydrous milk fat has a concentrated, full-bodied butter flavor. The melting point is 30–34 °C. Processing: substitute butter in recipes by butterfat according to this formula: Replace 1,000 g butter with 820 g butterfat + 180 g water or milk.
Legal name depending on product variation:
- Concentrated butter
- Water-free butterfat
- Water-free milk fat
Ingredients depending on product variations::
- Concentrated butter
- Concentrated butter, nitrogen
Related product (search) terms for anhydrous milk fat (concentrated butter):
- Butterfat
- Clarified butter
- Concentrated butter
- Butter oil
- Purified butter
- Water-free milk fat
- Water-free butterfat
- Butter concentrate
- AMF butter
- AMF milk fat
We produce the following product variations of concentrated butter
- Concentrated butter “fine”
- Concentrated butter “soft” (whipped with nitrogen for easier metering/portioning)
As for common butter the use of the following claims are allowed when using butterfat: “Butter baked goods”, “Baked with butter” and similar. Depending on the ready product, a minimum ammount of concentrated butter has to be used for this. According to the German Guidelines on Pastry Products, for a baked good that has the term “butter” in its name, at least 8,2 kg of concentrated butter have to be used for 100 kg of cereal product.